Kristine Thueson: January 14 – March 19, 2022

"Collective Unconscious"

Artist Reception

Thursday, January 20

5:30 - 7:30 PM

"I’ve worked primarily in collage and mixed media for most of my career. I recently began translating these processes to digital media, using found images, my own photography, and digital paint brushes.  

My goal is to combine the best aspects of my traditional paper-and-paint media and the added flexibility of digital media. My work is usually built up through multiple layers of thin washes and graphite linework.  I find the built-in layer options of digital media enhances the control I can achieve with digital brushes while still allowing me to create in a way that is comfortable and similar to my traditional process.  

I use collage elements to add visual and conceptual depth, often merging contemporary fashion or pop culture images with historical images and artworks to force a layered meaning onto my subject.

My subject matter often relates to both contemporary and historical social issues.  I particularly like to focus on the interaction and separation between people at the center of society and on the edges of society." ~Kristine Thueson

Addtional works can be seen on her website at

The NorthLight is on the first floor of The Kemp Center building located at 1300 Lamar, Wichita Falls, TX 76301. Call for further information: 940 767-2787 ex 202 or email